This is a site to summarize the status of the Weiss family. A chronological account of the family - since 1986 is available as well as an account of a few remembered accounts. The former is at: The latter is at:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 Family Pictures and some narrative

This is what we (and some of the azaleas) look like in April 2012.

The pictures were taken by Zvika Dor (visiting from Israel).

To review status as of the time the pictures were taken:

Martin - working as consultant in transportation (very part time) and as a mashgiach (guarding kashrut) in some local restaurants (also very part time).

Ann - certified in both tumor registry work and medical coding and planning to return to work at some point.
George: working in his own law firm and as a contractor to another law firm; having passed the bar exam in MD, DC and VA, and registered to appear before the Maryland Bankruptcy court, the Maryland appeals court and the Federal District for Eastern Virginia.

Beth (who goes by the name Tamar in Israel) is working for Insightera an Israeli startup in the Tel Aviv area. Insightera is a company that provides software to for internet marketing. It is, since December 2013, a division of Mercato which is an American internet application conglomerate (which went public in April 2013).


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