This is a site to summarize the status of the Weiss family. A chronological account of the family - since 1986 is available as well as an account of a few remembered accounts. The former is at: The latter is at:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Before the Baltic Cruise

Here we are (Ann and me and Rembrandt in bronze) in Rembrandt Park in Amsterdam.

This is park aboiut 10 minutes by bike (or 15 minutes by tram and bus) from downtown Amsterdam.

In addition to the windmill there is also a petting zoo and some landscaped grounds.

We took a small tour before going on the 12 day cruise.

Other images from this vacation will be at the Weiss chronicles.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beth and George April 2009

April 2009

Beth was visiting from Israel. The flowers were out in the front but we decided to take photos in the back anyway for some reason I can't remember.

The rabbit near Beth is a little terra cotta one I got at some going out of business sale. One of my many (too many) wind chimes is on the right on both images and there is one on the left in one image

Beth has said that I have so many wind chimes it seems that I must have unresolved 'issues' of some sorts.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some Images from Spring and Summer 2009

First image is our grey tabby Trina at rest. She loves lying in the Florida room and looking out.

Second image is Beth taking a picture of Soda and Trina as Soda is about ready to groom Trina. Usually when he does this Trina gets tired of it after a few seconds and either swats or runs away.

Third image is George and Beth in our back yard. A windchime is on the right. A small rock wall is in the background near the tree base.