This is a site to summarize the status of the Weiss family. A chronological account of the family - since 1986 is available as well as an account of a few remembered accounts. The former is at: The latter is at:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 Family Pictures and some narrative

This is what we (and some of the azaleas) look like in April 2012.

The pictures were taken by Zvika Dor (visiting from Israel).

To review status as of the time the pictures were taken:

Martin - working as consultant in transportation (very part time) and as a mashgiach (guarding kashrut) in some local restaurants (also very part time).

Ann - certified in both tumor registry work and medical coding and planning to return to work at some point.
George: working in his own law firm and as a contractor to another law firm; having passed the bar exam in MD, DC and VA, and registered to appear before the Maryland Bankruptcy court, the Maryland appeals court and the Federal District for Eastern Virginia.

Beth (who goes by the name Tamar in Israel) is working for Insightera an Israeli startup in the Tel Aviv area. Insightera is a company that provides software to for internet marketing. It is, since December 2013, a division of Mercato which is an American internet application conglomerate (which went public in April 2013).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

STATUS AS OF February 2014

Martin - Now retired from the US govt (highway stuff). He is doing some contract work. His retirement blog is at:

In 2006 he got to chair an international meeting and made a bunch of Star Trek jokes. Unfortunately that meant he had to help plan the 2011 meeting. He is also helping with the 2013 meeting.


Ann - Has been working in the medical coding field (i.e., digitizing medical records; reviewing records for research ingest). She has taken training courses in this; notably from SUNY-Alfred. In June 05 she had major surgery and as of late June 06 had finished recovery from that. She does kashrut supervision from time to time. In June 09 she graduated from a coding certification course. In Nov 2010 she passed a certificate for a higher coding degree. In 2013 she passed the certification for the tumor registry coding.

Beth - In an apartment in Ramat Gan (near Tel Aviv). She does not have a roomate; she is happy about that because previous roomates (one nicknamed 'stormy', one nicknamed 'messy' didn't work out so well although they were also from angloworld). Her previous roomate was a native Israeli who was the former roomate of the daughter of a family she stayed with five years previously when she was on a post high school program in Israel (nicknamed evil-dew). She had a nice roomate in 2008-2009 but that was in Jerusalem and her job was on the Mediterranean coast. We visited Beth in late Nov 2004 while we were in Jerusalem. In the previous year Beth taught 4 classes; 3 for the municipality (one 7th, one 8th, one 10th) and 1 8th grade class for a 3rd party provider). She left her job with the Herziliah software gaming company in Nov 2010 and began work for another company in Tel Aviv in May 2011. Then began work for another company (Insightera) in 2013 and in December 2013, it was bought out by yet another company (Marketo).

Beth has her own blog at:

she was at:
(she was with
and a commercial blog at:

George - Graduated Law school in Jan 2011 took the Bar Exam in Feb 2011. In May 2011 he learned that he had passed and soon thereafter learned he had survived the 'character and fitness' screening that the Maryland Bar administers. He is to was sworn in to the Maryland Bar in mid June 2011. He started working as legal investigator and assistant lawyer for an attorney at Eastern Market in D.C. He opened his own law office in 2013. In Feb 2014, he signed a contract to provide work for another law firm.

George has beaten four (maybe more, I've lost count) traffic tickets on procedural grounds (gaming the system) or on substantive grounds (quizing the officer who issued the citation) or by luck (officer bringing the wrong notebook to court).

George's website for his law office is

George has his own blog: here (but it is inactive)

Soda (our red Tabby) - died in the summer of 2011 at the age of about 19.

We have a gray tabby, named Trina (or Katrina), who was born in about March or April of 06. She didn't like Soda much but they didn't fight. She weighs about 15 lbs as of Oct 2011 (that is overweight). She is good at lap sitting but still improving her purring.

The document date is a fiction. Its done to make this second in the blog.

More Images - Follow - Go to the archives for these
A few Images have a fictional doc date in July 2004 so they can be bunched together.
Images from a summer trip to Colorado are placed in June 2004
Images from a snowstorm in Feb 2003 are placed on Feb 2003
Image from our Oct 2004 Cruise are placed in Oct 2004

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Beth and Zvika Dor

The pictures were taken in one of our favorite spots (seen on other posts) on Henry Fleet road where both Cherry blossoms and azaleas were blooming.