This is a site to summarize the status of the Weiss family. A chronological account of the family - since 1986 is available as well as an account of a few remembered accounts. The former is at: The latter is at:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pictures as of Oct 2014 and status update

Beth visited us in October 2014 and we did some pictures in the front yard (it was in the low 50s - that's why Beth has the sweater). We couldn't get anyone to act as outside camera guy and because we didn't have a tripod, getting a timed picture wouldn't have worked.

So here is the status update:

Beth - Now in 10th year of living in Israel and 5th year of being fully taxed there (immigrants get a temporary break on some taxes). She works for an internet marketing company managing much of their external web presence and also has some internal projects.

George (as of Dec 2014)- Doing 50 hours/wk legal work for a company that does mostly immigration law and follow up service for immigration clients as well as 10 hours a week of EMT volunteer work.

Ann - Doing some tumor and other medical coding for a remote service firm. Also taking classes in Hebrew.

M - Mostly doing mashgiach (kosher supervision) work for caterers and sometimes for restaurants.

click on image for magnification